




Löschwasserbarrieren - BLOBEL Umwelttechnik, Ihre Marke für Löschwasserbarrieren, Störfallbarrieren, Hochwasserschutz und Kanalabdeckungen - geprüfte Qualität
Löschwasserbarrieren, Löschwasserbarriere, Störfallbarrieren, Störfallbarriere, Auslaufschutz, Einlaufschutz, Loeschwasserbarriere, Loeschwasserbarrieren, Löschwasserrückhaltung, Stoerfallbarriere, Sicherheitsbarriere, Sicherheitsbarrieren, LGA, VDS, FM Global, Gefahrstoffrückhaltung, Gefahrstoffrueckhaltung, Brandschutz, Hochwasserschutz, Hochwasserschott, Hochwasserschotts, Klappschott, Klappschotts, Anhamm, Denios, Bauer-IBS, Hochwassersperren, Dammbalken, Damm, Staudamm, Hochwassersperren,Hochwasserschutz mobil, Hochwasserschutz permanent, Hochwasserschutz System, Umweltschutz, Umweltverschmutzung, Arbeitssicherheit, Rampen, Rampe, Sprinkler, Sprinklerwasser, Betonaufkantung, Kanalabdeckungen, Kanalabdeckung, Kanaleinlauf, Kanaleinlaufabdeckungen, Kanaleinlaufabdeckung, Regen, Platzregen, Architekten, Gefahrgutlager, Löschen, Löschmittel, Feuerlöschen, Feuersicherheit, Spill Barrier, Spill Barriers, Doorway Spill Barrier, Doorway Spill Barriers, Spill Control, Spill Protection, Spill Station, Oil Spill, Oil Spills, Oil Booms, Oil Boom, Booms, Boom, Containment Booms, Chemical Spill, Chemical Spills, Spill Berm, Spill Berms, Spill Containment Berm, Spill Containment Bems, Water Barrier, Retention Barrier, Retention Barriers, Containment Barriers, Containment Barrier, Sprinkler Water, Sprinkler, Flood, Flooding, Flooded, Flash Flooding, Flood Protection, Flood Defense, Flood Control, Flood Guard, Flood Guards, Flood Barriers, Flood Barrier, Dam, Dams, Levy, Levie, Levies, Demflood, Demountable Flood Barriers, Demountable Flood Barrier, Permanent Flood Barrier, Permanent Flood Barriers, Bauer-IBS, Water Barrier, Water Barriers, Aqua Barrier, Aqua Barriers, Bund, Rollover Bund, Rollover Bunds, Ramps, Ramp, Bunding, Stormwater Drain Covers, Drain Cover, Spills, Hazchem, Hazmat, Fire Fighting, Fire Fighter, Fire Fighting Water Containment, Contaminated Fire Fighting Water, Fire Fighter, The Hazmat, WorkCover, Architects, Architect, Industrial, Safety, Workplace Safety, OHS, Environment, Manhole, Manhole Covers, Manhole Cover, Risk Management, Factory Mutual, Environment, Environmental Protection

Risk Management - BLOBEL manual Spill Barriers and automatic Spill Barriers contain oil and chemical spills, sprinkler water and contaminated fire fighting water. BLOBEL Flood Protection systems protect your private and commercial assets from flooding and mud.
Spill Barrier, Spill Barriers, Doorway Spill Barrier, Doorway Spill Barriers, Spill Control, Spill Protection, Spill Station, Oil Spill, Oil Spills, Oil Booms, Oil Boom, Booms, Boom, Containment Booms, Chemical Spill, Chemical Spills, Spill Berm, Spill Berms, Spill Containment Berm, Spill Containment Berms, Water Barrier, Retention Barrier, Retention Barriers, Containment Barriers, Containment Barrier, Sprinkler Water, Sprinkler, Flood, Flooding, Flooded, Flash Flooding, Flood Protection, Flood Defense, Flood Control, Flood Guard, Flood Guards, Flood Barriers, Flood Barrier, Dam, Dams, Levy, Levie, Levies, Demflood, Demountable Flood Barriers, Demountable Flood Barrier, Permanent Flood Barrier, Permanent Flood Barriers, Bauer-IBS, Water Barrier, Water Barriers, Aqua Barrier, Aqua Barriers, Bund, Rollover Bund, Rollover Bunds, Ramps, Ramp, Bunding, Stormwater Drain Covers, Drain Cover, Spills, Hazchem, Hazmat, Fire Fighting, Fire Fighter, Fire Fighting Water Containment, Contaminated Fire Fighting Water, Fire Fighter, The Hazmat, WorkCover, Architects, Architect, Industrial, Safety, Workplace Safety, OHS, Environment, Manhole, Manhole Covers, Manhole Cover, Risk Management, Factory Mutual, Environment, Environmental Protection

BLOBEL Umwelttechnik:Votre concept de haute qualité pour protéger les eaux !confinement des eaux d’incendie, rétention des bâtiments, obturateur de canalisations, prévention des pollutions, rétention eaux d’incendie,
Barrages et barrières anti-écoulement, rétention des eaux d’extinction d’incendie,
barrages de rétention des eaux d‘incendie, barrages de rétention pour stations d’épuration, barrières pour cas d’incident, protection contre inondation, barrières contre inondation, barrages contre irruption des eaux, couvercles hermétiques pour bouches d’égout, couvercles d’insertion pour barrage d’égouts, couvercles d’insertion pour barrage de puits, plaques hermétiques pour recouvrir les bouches d’égouts.

BLOBEL Umwelttechnik:
Sus productos de calidad para la protección de aguasBarreras para retener líquidos nocivos, barreras reteniendo el agua para extinguir, barreras contra el derrame del agua (incendios), barreras para instalaciones clarificadoras, barreras de retención para casos de fallo, protección contra inundaciones, barreras contra crecidas, barreras contra entrada de aguas, tapas para bocas de alcantarillas, placas para cerrar alcantarillas, placas para cerrar pozos, tapas herméticas para sumideros.

清洁的水 – 未来的黄金 – 事关全球的大事 我们的宗旨是保护环境 - 尤其是地球上的水 - 免遭污染。 围堵板, 门槛, 溢出位置, 溢出保护, 溢出控制, 挡板, 溢出物, 挡水板, 拦截板, 洪水防护, 防洪坝, 雨渠/沟盖, 风险管理, 喷淋水, 漏油.